
Effective October 3, 2024 students and authorized users can request On Demand statements 24/7 online via the authorized user portal and MyFAU Self Service. The statement includes course schedule, charges and payments received for any semester requested on official FAU Letterhead.

Tuition and Billing Services

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What is the Transportation Access Fee?

All students are required to pay a Transportation Access fee at the time of registration to be paid along with their tuition. This fee is non-refundable. An electronic permit (ePermit) will be issued to each registered student. You may obtain one by going online at

All students including those using other types of transportation are assessed a transportation access fee at the time of registration to be paid along with their tuition. This fee supports the University's transportation infrastructure and increases student access to transportation services. Upon payment of this fee, a parking decal will be issued to each registered student.

The Traffic and Parking Department is responsible for managing parking services on all FAU campuses. All students, whether part-time, full-time, day or evening, Online & Distant Learning, Dual-Enrollment or members of the Lifelong Learning Society, and 60 + Audit Courses are required to pay a transportation access fee each semester.

What is the Tuition Differential Fee?

This fee is charged to every undergraduate course and is included in the tuition per credit hour cost. This fee is used to fund undergraduate instruction and support services.


What is the Financial Aid Fee?
The financial aid fee is used to support scholarships at the University. The student financial aid fee is set by the Florida State Legislature at 5 percent of the tuition fee. It is assessed to all students and is based upon credit hours taken, undergraduate/graduate. 
What is an eLearning Fee?
eLearning Fee is a platform for delivery of on-line education.  Courses that are offered on-line will be assessed a fee in addition to the traditional tuition and fees per credit hour. This fee is non-refundable.
What is a Lecture Capture/Video Stream Fee?
Lecture capture video streaming (LCVS) is a technological enhancement of the traditional classroom learning environment. Students enrolled in an LCVS course can choose to attend class in person or watch the recorded lectures online at a time that is more convenient to them. While the Course Schedule does list a specific time and campus for LCVS courses, students who are either unavailable at the scheduled class time or unable to commute to the campus can still enroll since attendance is optional.
What is a Lab Fee?
All laboratory fees are used to purchase items and equipment that are specifically related to the student learning outcomes and objectives of a course(s). The fees may also be used to support part-time personnel who work in the laboratories and support students enrolled in the courses. 

The lab/course fee may not include the cost of materials, supplies, products, or other services used by the instructor in day-to-day instruction, such as demonstrations.The lab/course fee is assessed as a flat amount per course. 
What is an Owl Card Fee?
A mandatory photo ID fee/Owl Card must be paid during the first semester enrolled at FAU.  This fee is non-refundable.  The Owl Card is primarily used for identification, for verification of FAU status and for using University services such as the Library (OWL CARD must be presented in order to check out books), Dining Services (with purchase of a meal plan or talon tokens), obtaining passes for University sporting and theatrical events, for use as debit card, BankAtlantic ATM, participating University shops and other related services.
What is an Application Fee?
The University charges a $30.00 non-refundable application fee for Undergraduate, Graduate, Non-degree seeking, and College of Medicine applicants. 2/3 (66.7%) of this fee is budgeted to the Student Fee Trust Fund and 1/3 (33.3%) of this fee is allocated to the department processing the application.
What is the Graduate Student Orientation Fee?
All newly admitted graduate students are assessed a one-time, non-refundable orientation fee. The fee is utilized to provide orientation sessions to foster a smooth transition into graduate studies. The orientation sessions are used to communicate important graduate policies and procedures, provide access to university resources for students, and overview of what to expect as a graduate student, and the opportunity to connect with other FAU graduate students.
Why was I assessed a Late Payment Fee?
The University will assess a Late Payment Fee to students who fail to pay tuition and fees by the deadlines set by the University. All students who have been cancelled for nonpayment of tuition and fees are required to make full payment of tuition & fees, plus pay the late payment fee and the late registration fee. 
Why was I assessed a Late Registration Fee?
The University will assess a Late Registration Fee against a student’s account who fail to initiate registration in the regular registration period. Late registration occurs after the end of the drop/add period. All students who have been cancelled for nonpayment of tuition and fees are required to make full payment of tuition & fees, plus pay the late payment fee and the late registration fee.
Why am I being assessed a Repeat Course Surcharge Fee?
The legislature requires all Florida public colleges and universities to assess an excess charge if a student attempts a course at the same institution for three or more times.  An attempt is any time that a student becomes fee liable (are registered for the course after drop/add deadline).  This includes “F”, “W”, and “I” grades. The excess charge represents the full cost of instruction, above the normal credit hour fee. Each student enrolled in the same undergraduate course more than twice, shall be assessed an Repeat Course Surcharge of  $204.65 per credit hour in addition to the cost per credit hour or each course.
Why am I being assessed a Returned Check Service Fee?
Students will be assessed a service charge for all unpaid checks/webchecks returned to the University. This charge will be in addition to the original balance owed to the University. Visit here for more information.
What is the Excess Credit Surcharge Fee?
In 2009, the Florida Legislature implemented     Section 1009.286, Florida Statutes   to encourage students to complete their baccalaureate degree as quickly and efficiently as possible. It established what is commonly referred to as an "Excess Credit Hour Surcharge." The bill requires universities to add a surcharge to each credit hour taken in excess of the total number of credit hours required to complete the degree being pursued. The amount in excess of the total hours is calculated based on a percentage defined in law and is referred to by Florida Atlantic University as Excess Hours threshold. The amount charged per credit hour is a calculated amount referred to as the surcharge. This fee is $105.07 additionally per credit hour. 
What is a Collection's Fee?
The actual cost of collections will be assessed to a student’s account for collection of debts owed to the University. These fees will be in addition to the original balance owed to the University.